Sunday, February 1, 2009

LOL Alisha! I don't flip off the construction guys anymore. I'm at the age where I relish the compliment!

I got out of bed yesterday just for the Ipod tunes I downloaded. I had a great workout and have to say that running to Britney Spears' Womanizer and Lizabeth's Hip/Hop stuff makes the time go quicker.

Today I got out of bed to go to Church. I'm so glad I did, if just for Relief Society which was wonderful. Sister MacArthur gives the sweetest lessons. And the Spirit was strong and sweet. But what made it really worth getting out of bed for today was sitting next to Jaclyn Weist and her sweet baby. I've never seen a baby show his joy with every inch of his body and he has a smile to die for. Made me feel joyous just watching him. Thanks for sharing that with me today Sister Weist!!!

So now I must admit that I feel social overload and wish I could just crawl back into bed right now. I am struggling like crazy with social claustrophia right this second. Crawling anxiety, creepy depression, freakishly huge (Ben's favorite term) stress! I hate that I can feel such pleasure in being in Relief Society this morning, and feel such misery this evening. SIGH


  1. There were a lot of people at the house last night. It's okay! You did pretty good!!!

  2. THanks. :) He is a fun boy and was very happy during class yesterday! He loves to share smiles. :)I hope you're feeling better today!
