Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30, 2009

I just spent an hour updating my playlist on Itunes. Strangely, that makes me happy and was worth getting out of bed for. Got me some new Pussycat Dolls, Nickelback and Fallout Boy, thanks to Lizabeth. She keeps me up to date on all the good stuff to listen to.

So now I'll have some new tunes to listen to tomorrow when I run on the treadmill (well, I don't really run, sort of walk and jog, but that's another story!). And knowing that I have those songs waiting for me will give me a reason to get out of bed tomorrow. Killed two birds with one stone today.

Had a little feel good moment this morning too. Went out to bring in the trashcan and got whistled at by the construction guys across the street. Still feels good when that happens! That alone was almost worth getting out of bed for.


  1. LOL! I am glad you took the whistling as a compliment...I would probably flip them off. Nickleback really? I wouldn't picture you as that type. But good excercising music!

  2. Its always nice to be whistled at right? :) I think its awesome you're looking at all the good things out there!!
