Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009

I'm not sure why I got out of bed today. I didn't have anything exciting to look forward to, no bribes I'd rewarded myself with, no exciting new music. I just got out of bed! Maybe I'm making progress or maybe I am just growing tired of the bed, who knows. But I'm up. That's what counts.

I cleaned the living room, dusted, vacuumed, put laundry away, started more, made beds, helped Ben with homework, read scriptures, wrote in my journal and took Ben to school all by 9:00am.

I just finished a good 30 minute work out and now I'm going to go feed myself, do more laundry and get myself cleaned up.

I am looking forward to a WHOLE 5 hours of quiet house. I think everyone is well and back to school and work for the first time in almost a week. Hallelujah!

So I'm going to read a book and sit in the quiet of my house. DO NOT DISTURB!! LOL


  1. Is that a hint? ;) I love you! Enjoy your quiet time!

  2. Hi Michele! Just thought I'd pop in and see your blog. I've found it to be a fun and interesting hobby - and it feeds my habit, lol. More books, must have more books : )

    I received an email from Amazon yesterday saying the Kindle my hubby ordered me before Christmas will now be a Version 2 Kindle and will be sent out in the first group at the end of the month. I've been waiting so long so I guess I'll last a couple more weeks. The new Kindle looks great.

  3. Hi Michele! I was reading over on Booklovers and thought I would pop over and say hi. I was reading through your blog and I must tell you that I often feel the same way you do. I call it my "funk". I often feel guilty about how it affects my family. I'm doing well right now though. I recently ordered a Kindle and just received an e-mail saying I will be getting the Kindle 2-yeah! Stay Happy!


  4. Hey, after all that you did by 9 AM, I think you deserve a nice book to read in bed! I usually have to pull myself out by then. :) I did clean the fridge today though! Big accomplishment for me. :)

  5. Hi Michele,

    Glad you joined the blogging community! You have a great blog!! Now we can keep in touch even better. My blog is sherrisreadingjubliee.blogspot.com-stop on over some time!

  6. Mary I enjoyed your blog. Thanks for visiting mine and WOOHOOO's to you on ordering your Kindle. I hope you love it as much as I've loved mine for the past year.

  7. YAY Milly. It looks like we'll both be getting our new Kindle 2's at the end of the month. What a great thing to look forward to, maybe it'll get rid of some of the winter blahs for both of us.

  8. sherri I'm on my way to check out your blog right now. Thanks for stopping by mine!

  9. I am so proud of you... Iwas reading all that you did and i was like wow, busy day, and then I read all by 9am...You are amazing! GREAT WORK! I still want to get together soon!
