Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Much better day today

It is so good that days like today come along to help balance out the days like yesterday. Not many negative feelings going on in my head today, I'm so grateful!

1. I did a 40 minute Firm workout. Sheesh, it kicked my behind, but I did the whole thing. YAY ME!!
2. I went wedding dress shopping with Geordan. It was so much fun to watch her face when she tried on "the one". It just lit up like Christmas. "That's it, I found it, we're done. Now, Dad hand over the credit card." It was a good day!

3. I spent 4 hours with Kevin. I don't get to spend much time with him and so it was very special to have him all to myself for so long today. We discussed politics, religion and Cisero. I always feel like I learn so much from him. My brain comes away feeling so much smarter!

I'm so grateful for my beautiful children. Each one of them is such a gift from God and I feel so privileged to be their mother. My prayers tonight will be filled with my Abundance of Gratitude for them. I am such a lucky woman!


  1. I'm glad you had such a good day yesterday!

  2. I like the idea of coming up with three good things. I love it!
