Friday, February 6, 2009

February 6, 2009

I didn't even have to make myself get out of bed this morning. I was anxious to get out of bed. The house is empty except for me, everyone is at school and work. It was a pleasure to get out of bed so I could enjoy the peace and quiet of having no sick people at home!

I tried really hard to be an angel of mercy to my sick guys yesterday. I even brought Kevin his meals to the couch in the loft. He's always so good to me when I'm sick. I wanted, just one time, to be good to him. It made me feel good to do something nice for him, for a change.

I had an AHA moment this morning. I've spent alot of time over the years reading books on losing weight. Books about visualization, books about pinching your little finger and thinking happy thoughts, books on meditation, books on goal setting. All have helped in little ways of course.

But the past couple of days as I've read my scriptures in the mornings, I've been reminded of the power of revelation and prayer. I decided it was finally time to turn to the Lord for some answers, DUH!!! You know, the answer is always there, staring at you in the face, and sometimes I think you have to reach the bottom before you realize that. Why haven't I ever prayed about my problems, or asked him what I should be doing as far as eating and exercising goes? Why do I look to "experts" to help me, when he truly is THE expert?

I found some good answers, answers that seem to be working for me so far. The scale was back in the 190's this morning.

He lives! He loves me. He knows me. He listens when I pray. I'm grateful for the AHA moments in my life.


  1. I'm glad everyone is feeling better today! And that you were able to have some peace and quiet. I agree also about the fact that guys are so much "sicker" than anyone else! :) Have a happy day!

  2. Good for you! I think that we all need that reminder. I was wondering if there was another day next week we could get together. A friend of mine went into an unexpected surgery and needs help with her girls on wednesday. I am sorry to put you off. Even if we didn't go to a movie I would love to get together and just have girl talk. Sorry again!

  3. YAY mom! I think I need some of those aha moments myself.
